Meet Billy Roessler, Girl Scout Dad and volunteer.
We asked him to tell us about volunteering with Girl Scouts.
If you are interested in becoming a Girl Scout volunteer, join today.
Q: Describe what you see as Girl Scout Volunteer.
A volunteer is a person who wants to be involved and cares about the Girl Scouts. A volunteer doesn’t have to participate in every event or activity but finds areas to get involved and make a difference.
Q: What inspired you to volunteer for Girl Scouts?
My involvement began with volunteering as a parent active in his daughter’s life. Plus, my wife was the troop co-leader and cookie chair. Cookie season required both of us to chip in, and it turns out to be our favorite part of the year. It is a lot of work, yes. But the connections made with girls and their families and seeing the excitement as the girls meet their goals are priceless!
Needless to say, I was hooked, and it just gets better every year.
Q: What is your favorite part about volunteering?
My favorite part of volunteering is seeing the girls grow. I’ve been volunteering for our troop for just under 10 years. Seeing these women find their path and grow up is fulfilling.
Q: What is your favorite Girl Scout memory?
Every summer, our troop goes on a “cookie trip” where the Girl Scouts and families are invited as more than the Girl Scout is involved in selling cookies. In 2018, we embarked on a two-week driving trip to Yellowstone National Park and back. I had the opportunity to experience many new places – Sacagawea burial site, to gold mine Colorado, camping in Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore, and the Dignity Statue in South Dakota – just to name a few. It is a trip that my family mentions frequently and will never forget. If it weren’t for my involvement with Girl Scouts, I don’t know when/if I would have had such an experience.
Q: What would you say to someone who is thinking about volunteering for Girl Scouts?
If you have a desire to get involved and help, do so! Every person is a unique individual and brings some unique aspect to the troop. There are so many needs, and so there are also variety of backgrounds needed. If you would like to get involved and help, “raise your hand” and get involved!