Bank Letter Request: Are you a Troop or Service Unit that needs to open a Girl Scout bank account, close a Girl Scout bank account, or change signers on an existing Girl Scout bank account? If you answered yes to any of these questions, complete the form below to start the process.
Chaperone Interest Form: Use this form if you are interested in serving as a registered, background checked adult chaperone.
Financial Assistance Application for Resident Camp or Retail: Financial assistance is limited; however, the council makes every effort to provide enough support so that no need-based new Girl Scout in Texas Oklahoma Plains is denied participation due to lack of funds. A notification of assistance status will be emailed within two weeks of receipt of a completed application.
Troop Membership Information: Use this form to let us know about your Troop. This form also lets us know whether or not you want your Troop listed in the Troop Opportunity Catalog.
Troop Trip Application: Part 1: Use this form to begin the process of approval for a troop trip including overnight trips, domestic travel, and international trips. Once Part 1 is approved, you will receive Part 2 of the application to complete.
Service Unit Membership Report: Download this report to see where your Service Unit membership numbers are for membership year starting October 1, 2024.