Judy Huse’s Girl Scout volunteer experience started 30 years ago. Wanting to spend time with her daughter, she signed them up for Girl Scouts, and she became the troop leader. Today, she serves as the Service Unit Cookie Manager and previously was the point person for the Lubbock Cookies Now event. The Cookie Program is her true love because of what it teaches the girls.
Judy remembers being a Girl Scout as a child for two years. Because she lived in a small town, staying in Girl Scouts was not an option when there was no one willing to step up to be a leader for older girls. This experience is why Judy is still a volunteer today, as she wants to always make sure that Girl Scouts is available for all girls.
As a longtime volunteer, Judy encourages new volunteers to not go it alone.
“The girls do not want you to be perfect, they just want you to help them learn to grow and spread their wings.”
Judy talks to others about becoming a Girl Scout volunteer by sharing her own experiences of all that she has done because of her volunteer experience. She reminds potential volunteers that no special skills are needed, simply a love for encouraging girls to become their best self.
For Judy, Girl Scouts has brought her so many friends, including travelling to places she would never have gone on her own. Judy also is reminded how much Girl Scouts allowed her daughter to grow into the person she is today.