Media Corps member Yasmine Y., from Wichita Falls, shares her experience at the Volunteer Leadership Summit 2023.
Media Corps volunteered at the 2023 Volunteer Leadership Summit. The Volunteer Leadership Summit focused on workshop learning, networking sessions, and celebrating. The event was opened with a welcome from GSTOP CEO Becky Burton. The Girl Scout Promise was recited in both English and Spanish (Media Corps girl-led) as our council leaders are actively learning Spanish. Additionally, the day included door prizes, a Diverse Leaders' panel, networking, award ceremony, lunch, and workshops.
Each informative workshop shared eye-opening topics to help make the troop leader/scouting life easier. Every workshop was unique, but they all agreed and talked heavily about progressions, budgeting, and encouraging learning.
The Volunteer Leadership Summit was a great event that informed, encouraged, and promoted Girl Scouts to parents, volunteers, and troop leaders. Also, the event was an excellent opportunity for Media Corps girls to utilize the skills we have learned, such as journalism, photography, and public speaking.
Some of the highlights of VLS for me were hearing the troop leaders' and parents' perspectives, being able to contribute as Media Corps, and now understanding what my troop leader must deal with in terms of working with others. I learned from sitting in on the workshops, the panel, and networking groups that the troop leaders and parent volunteers often have some of the same thoughts as Girl Scouts, struggle to keep their troop interested/wanting to stay in Scouting due to other activities, and sometimes do not have all the answers. Still, they are willing to continue to try and find the answers.
I also learned that our council is working hard to continue Scouting traditions and is open to change regarding being inclusive and diverse. I hope volunteers walked away from the event feeling reenergized/ready for Girl Scouts to resume after the summer break, knowing they have resources and a wealth of knowledge and support in the Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma-Plains family.