Brianna Johnson is a grown-up Girl Scout who has been back involved as a volunteer for the past three years. She enjoys spending time with her family, advocacy, and giving back to her community. Outside of Girl Scouts, she is a licensed social worker.
Wanting her daughter to be around strong, like-minded women who would foster her daughter’s creativity and interests, she signed her up to be a Girl Scout. Her daughter, then, encouraged her to become a Girl Scout volunteer. Needing a leader for a new Troop for her daughter, Brianna stepped up and said yes. “I was very shocked and surprised at the encouragement my own child provided to me and reassured me that I possessed everything needed to be a great leader for not only her but others,” Brianna recalled.
Sharing wins, ideas, missteps, and support with other volunteers is part of the Girl Scout volunteer experience Brianna enjoys. Knowing you do not have to have all the answers, and it’s okay not to know something helps. When missteps happen, Brianna says she simply tells the girls she messed up. She’s learned the girls are right there with her, laughing and helping along the way.
Being a part of Girl Scouts has broadened the women, families, and girls that Brianna has in her life. Girl Scout experiences, not only with her daughter, but with other girls, parents, and leaders have filled her life with an extended family. In the Abilene community, she’s met past and present leaders, cookie chairs, and Girl Scout alums everywhere from PTO meetings to Girl Scout Cookie Booths, and everything in between.
When meeting past Girl Scouts, she encourages them to come back to the organization as a volunteer, utilizing the skills and experiences they had when they were a Girl Scout. She also reminds people that to be a volunteer, having a Girl Scout is not a requirement. Anyone with skills to share can be a Girl Scout volunteer.
Brianna says, “Girl Scout Volunteers are truly important to help make this organization happen for our girls. I can honestly say I did not know when I was a Girl Scout how much time, effort, and love that our troop leaders really put in to make our meeting or experience happen. Being a Girl Scout Leader now myself makes me truly appreciate the program and volunteers even more.”